Dear Rick Riordan,

You have kept me reading your series for over 5 years. Your unique way of fusing ancient myths and modern day is unprecedented in the literary world. This skill has had me reading every book of the series and following each character since their first years at Camp Half-blood. Each character has been developed beautifully with detail and emotions. The creation a group of teenagers who are kin to the great Olympic gods and are slowly learning their abilities is genius. The Mark Of Athena is a great continuation so far of the series, and the meeting of the characters in the last two books was brilliant and a great way to begin the book. It was also amazing how you elaborated on the difference between the greeks and romans groups like when Annabeth " At Camp Half-Blood, most demigods were teens, and here it was an entire multi-generational community." (Riordan,11). The passion you have for writing these books is unabated, and I found myself giddily laughing at some parts. Thank you and I look forward to the next books of the series.    

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